
Top 10 Countries Most Dependent on Tourism


Tourism refers to domestic or international travel that occurs for commercial or personal purposes. The tourism industry can be an important part of a country’s global economy by creating jobs in the services sector and generating revenue from payments for utility and services. The economy of some countries is more dependent on tourism than others. In this selection are highlighted the 10 countries more dependent on tourism, places where tourism has a greater impact on the local economy. It indicates the country and its percentage that tourism contributes to the economy. Source:


Antigua and Barbuda is located between the Caribbean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Its economy depends to a large extent on tourism, which represents 15.5% of its economy. The island of Antigua is well known for its luxury resorts. Tourism here has suffered a slight slowdown since 2000, which has caused the government to cut national spending significantly.


This territory is commonly referred to as Dutch Caribbean. The most famous of these islands is Curacao. The economy of the former Netherlands Antilles is made up of 17% of the tourism industry, and this place is world-wide in relation to tourism and ninth position in this selection of the 10 countries most dependent on tourism.

8. VANUATU – 18.6%

Vanuatu, an island in the Southwest Pacific, has expressive tourism that accounts for 18.6% of the country’s economy. Divers are drawn to its coral reef-rich waters and the sinking of the President Coolidge ship, one of the world’s largest open wrecks for recreational diving.

7. BAHAMAS – 19.4%

Bahamas, located in southeastern Florida, United States, is another popular travel destination. Tourism accounts for 19.4% of its overall economy and accounts for more than half of all jobs on the islands. In 2012, 5.8 million tourists visited the country, 70% of which were cruise passengers.

6. ANGUILLA – 21%

Anguilla stands out with around 21% of its economy depending on tourism. This Caribbean island nation is considered a dependency of the United Kingdom. Tourism here focuses on luxury travel with premium spas and resorts.

5. SEYCHELLES – 21.3%

Tourism is the most important non-public sector in the Seychelles economy. E accounts for 21.3% of the economy and accounts for about 15% of employment on the islands. Other industries also rely on tourism, such as construction, banking, and transportation.

4. ARUBA – 28.6%

Tourism contributes 28.6% to Aruba’s national economy. This island nation is located 24.1 km off the coast of Venezuela and was once part of the Netherlands Antilles. He is currently an autonomous member of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.


Almost a third, or 30.3%, of the economy of British Virgin Islands depends on tourism. Tourists who traveled to these Caribbean islands brought in $ 290 million in revenue in 2014. More than half of the people visiting this country are cruise ship passengers.

2. MALDIVES – 41.5%

Maldives, an island nation in the Indian Ocean, has the second largest dependence on tourism, second in this selection of the 10 countries most dependent on tourism. Approximately 41.5% of its economy is made up of tourism. Its beaches and tropical resorts are what attract tourists to the country. The Maldives remained largely unknown to tourists until the early 1970s. Only 185 islands are home to its 300,000 inhabitants. The other islands are used entirely for economic purposes, of which tourism and agriculture are the most dominant. Tourism accounts for 28% of GDP and more than 60% of Maldivian currency revenues. Over 90% of government tax revenue comes from import duties and tourism-related taxes. The development of tourism has promoted the overall growth of the country’s economy. And it created direct and indirect employment and income-generating opportunities in other related industries. The first tourist resorts were opened in 1972 with the island resort Bandos and Kurumba Village, which transformed the economy of the Maldives.

1. MACAU – 43.9%

Macau, an administrative region of China, is by far the area of ​​the world most dependent on tourism. The tourism industry accounts for 43.9 percent of its economy, bringing about $ 26.6 billion in revenue. Casinos are a major attraction in this related country among the most densely populated countries in the world . The blend of Chinese and Portuguese cultures and religious traditions for over 4 centuries has left Macau with an inimitable collection of holidays, festivals and events. The biggest event of the year is the Macau Grand Prix in November, when the main streets in the Macau peninsula are converted into a race track with similarities to the Monaco Grand Prix. Other annual events include Macau Arts Festival in March, International Fireworks Display Contest in September, and International Music Festival in October and / or November, and Macau International Marathon in December. Macau preserves many historical properties in the urban area. The Historic Center of Macao, which includes some twenty-five historical sites, was officially listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2005.
