Cotton Producing

Top 10 Largest Cotton Producing Countries in the World


In this selection the 10 largest cotton producing countries in the world are highlighted by 2017. Cotton is one of the most important commercial fibers produced and is one of the most important commodities imported and exported all over the world due to its uses in textile, bedding industry, oil industry, soap industry, etc. Annual cotton production is astonishing 25 million tonnes, accounting for 2.5% of the world’s arable land. Growing cotton balls is a difficult task in itself, and requires a lot of effort and work. The invention of the ginning and mechanization process of cotton has helped producers to reduce labor and increase production. Being the most sought-after raw material in the world, there is great competition among countries for the commercial production of cotton. Source:


Its annual production is 199,358 metric tons. Cotton is grown in half of the country’s irrigated land and is irrigated by the diversion of water from the Amu Darya River. Ahal, Mary, Chärjew, and Dashhowu are the main cotton producing regions of Turkmenistan. 300 kilograms per citizen is the production of cotton per capita, so Turkmenistan produces more cotton per capita than any other country in the world. An important source of income for the inhabitants and fundamental for the economy of the country.


Argentina produces 214,371 metric tons of cotton per year grown along the northeastern border of the nation. The harvest goes from mid-February to mid-July. Despite the lack of irrigation facilities, Argentina is able to increase its production with the introduction of fertilizer in the region by United States Military Ambassador Manuel Senor Rojas.


Turkey stands out producing around 853,831 tonnes of cotton annually. The Turkish government has increased cotton production bonuses to boost production. Better planting techniques and other policies are helping farmers to earn higher yields.


Estimated amount of 976,475 metric tons of cotton annually. About 495 hectares of land is used in cotton production accounting for 17% of Australia’s total agricultural land. Mainly Queensland, around Gwydir, Namoi, Macquarie and NSW valleys south of the McIntyre River. They are the cotton producing regions with almost 1200 farms.


The annual production of cotton in Uzbekistan is 1,053,740 metric tons. Uzbekistan’s national income depends heavily on cotton production. Because of this, the nickname of cotton in Uzbekistan is “white gold”. The industry is controlled by the state on a national level.


Brazil produces an estimated amount of 1,639,537 metric tons of cotton per year. Cotton production has recently increased due to various economic and technological interventions, such as government support, the emergence of new cotton producing regions, and precision farming technologies. The state of most prdio is Mato Grosso. Brazil is also the third largest exporter in the world.


2,216,932 metric tons of cotton are produced annually in Pakistan. Cotton production is integral to the economic development of Pakistan. Cotton is grown as an industrial crop in 15% of the nation’s land during the Kharif season, which includes the monsoon months from May to August. The provinces of Punjab and Sindh are the prominent regions producing cotton in Pakistan. The use of a better variety of cotton, especially BT cotton increased production.

3. U.S.

Total annual production is about 3,598,853 metric tons in the United States, which are third in this selection of the 10 largest cotton producers in the world. The United States is the world’s second largest cotton producer and exporter. Seventeen states are involved in cotton production, especially the southern and western states, dominated by Texas, California, Arizona, Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana are the main areas for cotton fiber production, employing more than 200,000 people in the total.


India producing 5,323,467 metric tons annually ranks second in world cotton production. The yield is as high as 504 kg to 566 kg per hectare, accounting for 27% of the world cotton production. Punjab, Haryana, Gujarat, and Rajasthan are important cotton growing regions, and India is second in the ranks of the 10 largest cotton producing countries in the world.


With annual production of an impressive 6,841,593 metric tons, China is the leading position in this selection of the 10 largest cotton producing countries in the world. The Xinjiang Autonomous Region, the Yangtze River Basin, including provinces of Jiangsu and Hubei, and Huang, the Huai Region, mainly in the provinces of Hebei, Henan, and Shandong, are the major regions involved in cotton production. Transmission of seedlings, plastic mulch, and double cotton-wheat harvesting are the various methods implemented to boost cotton production which brings to China the reputation of being a top producer in the world.

Cotton Producing