Jordan History

Jordan History

Jordanian history dates back to the Lower Paleolithic. Much of what is now Jordanian territory was annexed to the kingdom of Israel by Kings David and Solomon around 1000 BC. n. and. Between the 7th and 16th centuries, the country fell under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. During the First World War (1914-1918) he was liberated from the Turks by Anglo- Arab troops. 1920-1923 part of the British Mandate […]

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Jordan State Overview

Jordan State Overview

Jordan. Kingdom located northwest of the Arabian peninsula, in southwest Asia. It borders Iraq to the northeast, Saudi Arabia to the south and southeast, and Israel (since the occupation of the West Bank in 1967) to the west. Limited access to the Red Sea takes place at the northern end of the Gulf of Aqaba. Characteristics There are three well-defined geographical areas in Jordan: the desert, the Jordan Valley […]

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