How To Calculate Cooling Effect Sprayed Water

Colleges North America

The process of calculating the cooling effect of water is very involved and requires high level physics and calculation. Mathematician must take into account many different variables. The investigator may find some of the data from the different heat charts, but he or she must obtain many of the data from measurements and calculations. By taking the effect of heat loss to the external environment to be negligible, the investigator can solve a difficult problem with only a rudimentary understanding of mathematics.

Things you need

  • Two handheld digital thermometers Luxury Collection bucket
  • Scale
  • Stopwatch
  • Tape measure
  • Calculator
  • Pencil and paper

Calculation of Preparations

1. Use a hand held digital thermometer to measure the temperature of the water.

The objectives of the initial water temperature spray and the material you want to cool with a hand held thermometer.

2. Set up a collection device to download it spurted water, so you can measure its mass.

Set up a bucket or collection device to catch all the splashed water.

3. Set up a digital thermometer on the material you want to cool and pointing another thermometer on the water. Spray material with water and using a stopwatch, calculate the amount of time in seconds that it takes for the water and the material can reach the same temperature; This temperature will be “equilibrium” temperature. Record the “equilibrium” temperature and the amount of time it took for the water and material to achieve it.

4. Collect all the sprayed water and measure its mass.

5. Find the specific heat capacity of the cooled material by means of a “specific Heat of ordinary substances” data chart.

6. Determine the cross-sectional area of the material you want to cool with the formula A = 3.14 * (radius) ^ 2. Target height of the object

7. Convert all measurements to metric units by means of the following conversions:.

1 kg = 2.20462 pounds

one meter = 3.280840 feet

Fahrenheit to Celsius = 5/9 * (the number of degrees Fahrenheit-32)
bring the heat capacity

8. Calculate the heat required to change water into steam with equation Q1 = mass of water * the specific heat index water at equilibrium temperature * (100 degrees Celsius-home temperature water).

9. Quantify the amount of energy that is used to convert water to steam at 100 degrees Celsius with equation Q2 = mass of water * latent vaporization of water at equilibrium temperature.

10. Calculate the amount of energy required to change the steam from 100 degrees celsius to equilibrium temperature using the formula Q3 = mass of water * specific heat water at equilibrium temperature * (equilibrium temperature-100 degrees celsius).

11. Calculate the change in energy of the material you want to cool with the equation Q4 = mass * specific heat index of material material at equilibrium temperature * (equilibrium temperature-inlet temperature material).

12. Add together the numbers in steps one to four; This gives an answer in kilo joules. Divide this number by the number of seconds it took for the water and material to reach equilibrium temperature from step two in the “preparations”; the resulting answers will be in kilo joules per second.

13. Multiply the number of kilo joules per second with 1000. ; This puts the answer in joules per second, so you can add it to the heat transfer of the cooled material.

14. Calculate heat transfer of the material with the equation P1 = cross sectional area of cooled material * the thermal conductivity of the material at equilibrium temperature * ((Initial temperature in unsprayed page of the material-the equilibrium temperature)/height of material).

15. Add the answer from the previous step to the final answer, in joules per second, from step five. The resulting answers gives you the amount of energy loss or cooling rate, in joules per second of the sprayed water.